ED2 101 TECH NEWSLETTER OCT 12, 2021 (2)

Why Computer Science ? Many people assume computer science i s coding but real ly , i t i s so much more. As we know, STEM i s al l the rage and for good reason. Most jobs worth having in the future involve STEM, thi s i sn’ t new and i t wi l l probably never change that much. In order to be compet i t ive you need advanced problem solving ski l l s and STEM i s al l about that . However , at the high school level i t i s l imi ted on how much you are able to learn in many of these areas before col lege. One except ion to thi s i s computer science. I t i s very common to hear of how the next br i l l iant student in computer science i s changing the way we communicate (who hasn’ t even graduated f rom col lege yet ! ) . Computer science i s so much more than programming. Cybersecur i ty , art i f icial intel l igence, network archi tecture, systems engineer ing are al l part of computer science. Once you have completed AP Computer Science Pr inciples and passed wi th a score of 4 or 5 , you are now qual i f ied for internships at most technology companies . I f you can double down on that exper ience wi th a 4 or 5 in AP Computer Science, you have strengthened your future hi reabi l i ty . Computer science i sn’ t just for the computer scient i st . Computer science gives us a set of tool s , logic and concrete usage of mathemat ics to help solve problems , to increase our cr i t ical thinking. Wi th these ski l l s anybody , whether or not they are interested in a career in computers , benef i ts f rom learning these ski l l s . One doesn’ t have to love computers to understand that they involve just about everything in our l ives today . Check out al l the amaz ing coursework Dar ien of fers in computer science, engineer ing and technology and encourage your chi ld to dip thei r toe in the STEM waters . I f your fami ly would l ike to join in the Hour of Code, head to thei r s i te at https : / /hourofcode. com/ us/ learn where one can search for act ivi t ies based on age. As you wi l l see, there are a wide var iety of apps and s i tes that can help your student learn to code outs ide of the classroom. In fact , i t ’ s a great individual or fami ly act ivi ty!

" Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe , or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century , basic computer programming is an essential ski l l to learn ."

- Stephen Hawking



, 2021

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