ED2 101 TECH NEWSLETTER OCT 12, 2021 (2)

Our commitment to ensuring that our students are prepared for the evolving global workforce begins with the work of our librarian media specialists in the elementary schools who offer our students a variety of coding activities. At Middlesex, your child can dive into App Creation or Design and Modelling - both Project Lead the Way classes. At the high school, students may choose a variety of computer science classes. Additionally, thanks to the generosity of the Darien Foundation, we are embarking on our inaugural year of Robotics Clubs. This extracurricular learning opportunity directly supports the District’s interest in enhancing STEM learning opportunities for students. We want our students not only prepared for college, but for life. We realize that whatever career our students may follow, the chances of their success increases dramatically by having some coding experiences. In the recent Princeton Review article, “Colleges That Pay You Back”, (the institutions which give you the best return on your tuition), Harvey Mudd is #1 in career placement, and in the Payscale.com College Salary Report, Harvey Mudd College again finished #1 followed by MIT and at #3, California Institute of Technology. What do these institutions have in common? They focus on engineering, computer science and technology. We will continue to look at our curriculum to explore ways to continue fostering an understanding of coding and in computer science in general.



, 2021

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