Elementary Remote Learning - (CONTINUED) Learning Segment
Instruction Expectations
Learning Expectations
Direct Teaching - Models a new strategy through a live or prerecorded demonstration followed by live instructions and clarifications for independent practice. Independent Practice - Monitors students work, and provides differentiated strategies through small groups or one on one conferences. Checks in with the whole class for clarification or extension as needed. Lesson Starter - Introduces an inquiry-based lesson through live teaching or video. Investigation - Facilitates inquiry through multimedia resources. Monitors students work, and provides feedback through small groups or one on one conferences. Checks in with the whole class for clarification or extension as needed. Recap - Reinforces, extends or remediates new strategy of the day.
Direct Teaching - Engages with new strategy and seeks clarification when needed
Math Workshop
Independent Practice - Applies new strategy in coordination with past teaching
Recap - Shares understanding and application of the strategy
Lesson Starter - Engages with new concept or practice and seeks clarification when needed Investigation - Applies new concept or practice in coordination with past teaching.
Recap - Reinforces or extends concepts and practices.
Recap - Shares understanding and application of concept or practice.
Darien Reopening Plan: Remote Learning 104
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