Special Education Hybrid Reopening: Elementary

Developmental Learning Classroom (DLC) - The DLC programs will be in session in person Monday through Thursday. To the greatest extent possible, students and staff should comply with the guidance for all students and staff regarding physical distancing, PPE, and hand washing.

Students who attend general education classes with 1:1 paraprofessionals will have the option to attend those classes consistent with the hybrid model.

The DLC spaces should be as self-contained as possible. Only staff members who are providing service to students should enter DLC classrooms.

All part-time consultants or itinerant related service providers (i.e., independent providers) should provide service remotely whenever possible. Part-time consultants and itinerant related service providers will be required to report to the health office prior to entering a DLC classroom for a symptom and temperature screening. All part-time consultants or itinerant related service providers are required to follow the CT State Department of Education’s established Exclusion Criteria, which outlines guidelines for remaining outside of the schools if one has contracted the virus or been in contact with the virus. Specially Designed Instruction - Specially Designed Instruction (push-in and pull-out) will operate within the hybrid model established for all classes. During remote learning, instruction will be provided through a variety of eLearning platforms (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, SeeSaw) Counseling and Speech - Counseling and speech services will be provided consistent with the IEP to the greatest extent possible. Providers should prioritize scheduling in-person services, while maintaining phys- ical distancing, hand washing, and PPE requirements, whenever possible. However, there may be times where the service is appropriate to provide remotely (e.g., if a student receives the service daily and is not in the building daily). Related service providers should document all services provided.

Darien Reopening Plan: Hybrid Learning 82

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