UPDATED_Tech Plan (13)
Network The Darien network is one of the largest redundant fiber networks in the State of Connecticut. All buildings in Darien, including town-based buildings, connect via 10gb fiber ring that provides redundant internet access for all buildings in the District. The internet connection for the District is a 3 gigabit internet pipe through the State’s CEN, or Connecticut Education Network. This gateway is sufficient to support the over 10,000 end users and devices on the network. The wireless system is state of the art with over 300 access points supporting the 802.11ac wireless protocol throughout every building in the District. The web filtering system is CIPA compliant and filters all internet traffic on the school side of the network, including traffic on devices that travel home with the students. The network hardware is upgraded on an ongoing basis. New technologies are constantly being evaluated, with the best ones procured and integrated into our infrastructure.
CEN Internet - 3Gb Speed
Fitch Academy
CEN Education Network
Tokeneke School
CT Education Network (CEN)
Police Dept.
Town Hall
Hindley School
Board of Education
Network Topology
Royle School
Holmes School
Ox Ridge School
Middlesex Middle School
Darien High School
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