UPDATED_Tech Plan (13)
Budget Overview Successful budgeting is a collaborative process guided by the District’s Strategic Plan, adherence to ethical school finance practices, and adherence to local, State, and Federal guidelines. Budgets at the District and school levels prioritize student learning while balancing responsible spending and innovative learning experiences. Technology infrastructure falls under RC-15 of the District’s annual operating budget. Standard Classroom Technology Equipment and the Impact of COVID Prior to the pandemic, technology was well supported across the District. However, increased access and use of technology equipment and platforms became essential to create equitable learning conditions for all students. Pre-pandemic, a cart of Chromebooks was shared between each classroom for a 2:1 distribution ratio at the K-2 levels. Grades 3-8 were each outfitted with a Chromebooks with grades 5-8 having permission to bring devices home. Teachers, K-5 have a desktop computer in their classrooms, access to a teacher Chromebook, and a SmartBoard or a ViewSonic interactive display. Middlesex Middle School teachers are provided laptops, projectors and SmartBoards. Darien High School students are 1:1 with iPads that include a physical keyboard case. Teachers at the high school are provided iPad Pros 12.9”, a keyboard case, desktop computer, and a projector integrated with an Apple TV for mobile wireless access. The pandemic taught us all students require 1:1 access with the flexibility to take devices home when necessary. Additionally, aging out desktop computers no longer support teacher needs as they once did. A laptop for each teacher will provide support and mobility superior to a desktop computer. District deployment of devices is geared to meet students’ needs where they are. Therefore, PreK-2 students’ needs are met with a right-size device that is touch capacitive with capacity to add a keyboard if needed. When students begin grade 3, developed fine motor skills allow them to navigate a keyboard and devices change at that time to meet their developmental needs. As students approach grade 9, they are capable of using a device that allows for more creativity, ease of use of digital publications, annotation tools, and a long battery life. The District’s current configuration is represented below. Annual reflection and evaluation help determine the needs to ensure we are providing the best tools in technology for the learning community.
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