UPDATED_Tech Plan (13)
C U R R I C U L U M , I N S T R U C T I O N A N D A S S E S S M E N T
Addressing technology standards and applications purposefully and authentically within the written, taught and assessed curriculum while providing a variety of differentiated learning experiences and opportunities for choice.
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Focus: Purposeful and Meaningful Technology Integration
Integrate ISTE Standards and align technology work to state and District policies, goals and best practices STRATEGY
Director of Instructional Technology RESPONSIBLE
MEASURE Revised Curricula
Revised Policies
Classroom Instruction
Department Chairs
Team Leaders
Assistant Superintendents
Provide job- embedded professional learning that embeds digital
Professional Development And Evaluation Committee (PDEC)
Teacher / Admin Feedback
PD session catalogue
lesson design and implementation in standard practices
Updated Teacher Evaluation Plan
Provide a web- based resource of exemplary lessons to serve as models to develop skills, leverage digital tools, and facilitate authentic learning
Director of Instructional Technology
Digital Library
Department Chairs
TEPL Update
Team Leaders / Teachers
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