Ox Ridge Elementary School All students will eat lunch six feet apart. Half of the students will eat lunch distanced in their classroom while half of the students will eat lunch distanced in either the cafeteria or using outside space when weather permits.

Royle Elementary School All students will eat lunch six feet apart. Students will eath lunch distanced in the classroom or in an alternate location, including outdoors when weather permits.

Middlesex Middle School

Students will be assigned to one of four lunch sites: the big gym, the small gym, the cafeteria, or the auditorium

• Tables are placed 6 feet apart • Two students will be assigned to each table, or individual desks 6 feet apart • After lunch, students wil transition to an assigned classroom for a 20 minute study hall • Students will have the option of a 20 minute recess • Teams will rotate to access outside eating

Darien Reopening Plan: In Person Learning 65

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