Accommodations for Students with Food Allergies Elementary All classrooms at the elementary level will be “NUT FREE” (no peanuts or tree nuts) until students are able to return to the cafeteria. Individualized accommodations will be addressed for students with other food allergies, or in addition to nut allergies, in accordance with medical provider recommenda- tions. Students will wash their hands with soap and water or a hand wipe before and after eating. Desks and tables will be cleaned and sanitized after lunch. Middlesex Middle School Individualized accommodations will be addressed for students with food allergies in accordance with medical provider recommendations. Students will be encouraged to wash their hands prior to, and after, eating. Hand wipes will be available for individual use. Lunch tables will be cleaned and sanitized after each lunch wave. Darien High School As a result of eating lunches in classrooms, “NUT FREE” lunches and snacks are en- couraged until students are able to return to the cafeteria. Students will be encouraged to wash their hands prior to, and after, eating. Individualized accommodations will be addressed for students with food allergies in accordance with medical provider recommendations.

Darien Reopening Plan: In Person Learning 63

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