Technology is the backbone of the learning process in this new era of education. The technology of Darien Public Schools must be flawless and efficient in order to deliver a curriculum that will keep the students en- gaged and active. In order to actualize this goal, we have crafted a comprehensive plan to address infrastruc- ture, hardware, software and professional learning needs (detailed in the professional development section). INFRASTRUCTURE Upgrades across the District will be completed to improve conditions for a robust computing environment: All elementary school routers will be upgraded to provide better speed to all schools
All high school switches will be upgraded to provide better speed to all students and teachers
Wiring upgrades at the high school will provide better wifi access for all at the high school
All high school labs, including the language labs, will be upgraded
All high school phones are being upgraded for more efficient network communication
All high school servers will be upgraded to provide a more secure and efficient network
The internet pipe for the District will be upgraded from 2gb to 3gb speeds
The firewall service for the District will be moved to the state to take advantage of enterprise level equipment
All of these upgrades result in one major result, more speed. In an environment that will see a record number of devices accessing our network, these upgrades will provide enough bandwidth for all devices to function and function well.
Darien Reopening Plan: In Person Learning 46
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