The health and safety of District staff and students is of primary importance. As such, the District is providing each staff member with two clear face shields and two reusable masks. Plexiglass partitions will be used in high traffic areas and areas in which proper physical distancing may be difficult to achieve. All staff will be provided with comprehensive COVID-19 training that has been specifically created for the Darien Public Schools. Enhanced cleaning protocols have already been implemented and disinfecting wipes and hand sani- tizer will be available throughout the buildings. The District offers an Educators’ Assistance Program (“EAP”) to all employees of the Darien Public Schools. The EAP is entirely confidential and offers employees counseling, assessment and referral services in both work and life problems. These services range from help in finding elder- and child-care resources in the com- munity, dealing with legal and consumer issues, or counseling for life issues such as grief, depression, anxiety and substance abuse. Employees can access the EAP directly by calling 800-252-4555 or by logging in at www.theEAP.com/Educators-EAP and clicking the “Employee and Family“ button. Anthem, the District’s new health insurance provider, also provides significant resources and support for employees, including care tools and resources (including the location of testing centers and physicians in the Anthem network) and mental health and emergency service support. Employees can access this infor- mation at www.anthem.com. Employees who create an account with Anthem will gain access to additional resources such as “Sydney Care,” a mobile app that features a tool to help users understand potential risk for COVID-19 and provides access to telehealth visits. Internally, staff members continue to support each other in impressive ways. With heightened awareness of the importance of one’s social and emotional needs, our staff members know they can seek the support of our District’s talented counselors and cognitive and behavioral consultants. In addition, staff members at several schools have offered each other professional learning sessions related to health and wellness as well as facilitating book clubs and other virtual social activities. The District will continue to encourage these practices so that all staff members maintain connections with each other as well as with their students.

Darien Reopening Plan: In Person Learning 44

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