Elementary When students first arrive at school in September, they will focus on getting to know their teacher and class- mates, as they discuss their experiences and feelings, engage in community-building activities, and learn new health and safety routines. Teachers willl build relationships with their students through interactive activities and lessons and the establishment of routines and procedures during Morning Meeting. The facilitation of conversations through read-alouds, and opportunities for students to write, draw, and share their stories provide additional opportunities for relationship building. While engaging in the beginning of the year curriculum, students will also learn to use new and familiar tech- nology as a tool for collaboration, learning and the collection of feedback. Across these first days, teachers will begin to get to know their students’ interests, strengths, and challenges in reading, writing, math, and social and emotional well-being. The Student Experience - Elementary Students will make their way directly to their classrooms each morning practicing physical distancing in the halls. More importantly, this direct route to the classroom ensures that students are greeted by their teachers and have an opportunity to start each morning in a calm and reassuring way. Once all students have safely made their way to their respective classrooms, a daily “Morning Meeting” is held to strengthen class commu- nity and orient students to the day. Each day, students will have ample opportunity to engage in existing quality face to face teaching using a modified District curriculum. Students will continue to have access to the rich array of subject areas, includ- ing “special areas” (i.e. PE, Music, Art, Library and World Language) in safely configured locations through- out the building. The daily schedule accounts for regularly occurring breaks throughout the day for students to get outside, enjoy snacks or simply remove their masks and socialize when appropriately spaced from their classmates. These scheduled break segments will also ensure that teachers and staff have the necessary time to practice important hygiene routines and continually check in on student well-being.

Darien Reopening Plan: In Person Learning 31

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