To safely navigate District facilities, signage will be posted throughout buildings promoting healthy behaviors including, handwashing, face coverings, social distancing, respiratory etiquette, and indication when to stay home. Students, staff, and family will notice signs at points of entry indicating that masks are required. Tables at each entrance will have masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer available to those in need. As students and staff navigate hallways and stairwells, they will notice well marked traffic flow indicators with orange tape in addition to other reminders to distance and avoid touching surfaces when unnecessary. In locations where students typically wait or “line up,” such as school entry points, main office, school health office, cafeteria lines, bus loading, etc., six foot spacing will be clearly marked. Shared spaces, such as staff work rooms and offices, will include reminders to social distance and observe appropriate face covering protocols. These high-volume spaces will also have plexiglass. A “do not enter” sign will be placed on each isolation room door as an additional safety protocol for students and staff. Additional signage with reminders to “wash your hands” will be posted in restrooms, at classroom sinks, and portable hand washing stations. All touchless hand sanitizing stations will be clearly marked for encouraged use. Additional hand sanitizing and portable hand washing stations have been purchased for use accros the District.

27 Darien Reopening Plan

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