COVID-19 Compliance Liaison Alicia Casucci APRN, CPNP-PC, NCSN

Director of Darien Public Schools Health Services COVID-19 Health and Safety Compliance Liaison

acasucci@darienps.org (203) 655-3981 x2304

The health and safety of students and staff are paramount when returning to in-person learning during a pan- demic. As the body of COVID-19 research and science expands, recommendations from infectious disease and public health experts will evolve accordingly. The ability to revise and adapt current health and safety guidelines and teaching modalities to reflect such changes is critical. The District will continue to collaborate with our Director of Nursing, the Darien Department of Health Director and state health officials to monitor current disease levels and the latest recommendations to establish practices based on current scientific data to support a healthy learning environment for all. Efforts to prevent the transmission of disease while mitigating long term social and emotional consequences are the highest priority.

The following recommendations are based on current guidance from the Connecticut Department of Public Health and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

12 Darien Reopening Plan

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