DPS Strategic Plan 2021-2026 May 2022 UPDATE
Dear Members of the School Community ,
The District is excited to introduce the Strategic Plan for the Darien Publ ic Schools . This robust and visionary Strategic Plan is a culmination of a year ’ s work overseen by Darien ’ s Strategic Planning Committee . It reflects the feedback from the Superintendent ' s Entry Plan and the input and shared consensus of stakeholders including the Board of Education , community members , parents , staff and students . The Strategic Plan honors the rich traditions and practices of the school district , bui lds on the district ’ s successes and provides the District with a blueprint for decision making and the next level of work over the next five years . It provides clarity of focus and organizational coherence in the District ' s improvement efforts . The major components of the plan include a common mission , vision , values and goals . The mission statement succinctly explains the dai ly work of the school district . The vision statement represents what the District aspires to embody . The core values are the fundamental bel iefs and col lective commitments that staff make to shape culture and the path to achieving the mission and vision . The seven goals represent the strategic work over the next five years . The Strategic Plan is a l iving document with measurable outcomes whose contents wi l l be reviewed regularly by the Board of Education and updated , as needed , over time . The Strategic Plan was developed and final ized during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic in which the access , use of technology and onl ine teaching and learning were essential to providing our students with the continuity of a high qual ity educational experience . The plan bui lds upon and incorporates our learning from these past eighteen months . Executing on a Strategic Plan is difficult and requires Board of Education oversight , empowerment of staff , shared leadership among al l stakeholders , community partnership and support for our wonderful students and talented teachers . To be successful , the plan must ultimately reside in our minds and hearts .
We invite everyone to join us in this exciting work and transformational journey together over the next five years !
Sincerely ,
Dr . Alan Addley ,
Mr . David P . Dineen ,
Superintendent of Schools
Chair , Board of Education
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