18 months < avoid use of screen media other than video-chatt ing. 18 to 24 months < introduce digi tal media but choose high-qual i ty programming, and watch i t wi th thei r chi ldren to help them understand what they ' re seeing. 2 to 5 years - l imi t screen use to 1 hour per day of high-qual i ty programs . Parents should co-view media wi th chi ldren to help them understand what they are seeing and apply i t to the wor ld around them ( thi s does not include face t ime wi th relat ives) . 6+ - place cons i stent l imi ts on the t ime spent us ing media, and the types of media, and make sure media does not take the place of adequate s leep, phys ical act ivi ty and other behaviors essent ial to heal th. Des ignate media- f ree t imes together , such as dinner or dr iving, as wel l as media- f ree locat ions at home, such as bedrooms . Have ongoing communicat ion about onl ine ci t i zenship and safety , including treat ing others wi th respect onl ine and of f l ine. Appropr iate use of screen t ime was a focal point of the di scuss ion. Part icipants reviewed the Amer ican Academy of Pediatr ics recommendat ions for young chi ldren: Model ing the behavior you wi sh to see in your chi ldren i s a key component in digi tal educat ion. Regular conversat ions regarding media you view together , and agreed upon fami ly l imi ts are al so useful strategies . Review of resources in our Digi tal Ci t i zenship curr iculum, such as Common Sense Media (commonsensemedia.org) and Internet Matters ( InternetMatters .org) serve as excel lent resources support ing how to talk to chi ldren about tech use, craf t ing a fami ly usage agreement , recommending appropr iate devices by age and sett ing parental control s . However , the best control i s access ing technology alongs ide each other . Addi t ional takeaways included keeping devices out of bedrooms and in a central locat ion and most important ly , keeping the dialogue open wi th your chi ld.
A ppl ication Lookout: Live . me al lows unseen fol lowers to fol low l ive broadcasts .
OCTOBER 13 , 2021
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